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    1. 欄目banner
      • 成型機生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)廠(chǎng)房規劃圖
      • 發(fā)布日期:2019-05-16 瀏覽次數:

      我們會(huì )根據客戶(hù)的生產(chǎn)規模、生產(chǎn)場(chǎng)地和資金投入等方面實(shí)行專(zhuān)案分析,從而系統的提供如設備選型、廠(chǎng)房布置、能源配備、成本核算、員工培訓、技術(shù)支持等一攬子服務(wù)。


      We systematically offer the package service of equipment selection,workshop layout, staff training, energy equipment, cost accounting, technology support and so on, according customer’s production scale, production field, capital investment and so on. 
      We offer customers various individualized, systematized EPS equipments and technical proposals for the EPS 
      block manufacturing plant, the EPS package manufacturing plant and white region of lost foam casting which make customer more ompetitive in manufacturing and marketing of EPS products. We help every customer to get the best result and maximum benefit by the highest production efficiency and lowest energy consumption and most reliable product quality.



      13666623227(姚總) 13706812511(應總)

      日韩欧美久久一区二区swag|国产 字幕 制服 中文 在线|一区二区三区欧美精品99久久|亚州欧洲久久,一区二区黄色视频
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